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Namm 2016 Hex inverter mutant eurorack Modular
NAMM 2016: Hex Inverter Mutant Snare
NAMM2016 Introducing the New Hexinverter net Mutant Snare
HEx Inverter NAMM 2017 Red Dragon Mutant Rim Shot ZNO eurorack modules
NAMM 2017: Hex Inverter Mutant Rimshot and VCNO
NAMM 2016 Eurorack: Mordax Modular
Hex inverter Mutant Hot Glue compressor for Eurorack modular
NAMM 2016: Modal's New Eurorack Modules Demo
NAMM 2016 Eurorack: Pittsburgh Modular
Hexinverter Mutant Snare
NAMM 2016 Eurorack: Vermona
NAMM2016 Introducing the New ZVEX Eurorack Module